Currently reading: Surrey tops pothole survey

Surrey's roads contain more potholes than anywhere else, according to new research

Surrey’s roads contain more potholes than anywhere else in the country, according to a new survey from Kia.

The survey, launched after Kia saw a 150 per cent increase in pothole-related repairs, found 1998 potholes across Surrey.

Hampshire has been named as the second worst UK county for potholed with 892 found. Kent was third with 857.

The increase in potholes is widely attributed to the recent severe weather. Ageing tarmac is believed to have accelerated the problem.

Local authorities claim £8.5 billion is required to bring the country’s roads up to scratch and blame a lack of funding which has created a 13-year backlog in road maintenance programmes.

The Kia Motors UK Pothole Survey list in full:

1. Surrey 19982. Hampshire 8923. Kent 8574. Hertfordshire 8555. Oxfordshire 7966. Lancashire 7337. Essex 7348. West Sussex 6809. Buckinghamshire 67810. Gloucestershire 655

Karl Berridge

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Mark Eshelby 12 April 2013

Pothole Petition

If you are concerned that Surrey tops this survey then sign this petition....

M_Nolan 12 March 2010

Re: Surrey tops pothole survey

Must be the fact that the level of taxation the average person in Surrey pays is that much inferior to the rest of the nation. As to the isle of Bute having poor roads...what has this world come to when an island with a population of 3 doesn't have good roads eh!?!

Coming from Surrey the roads are appauling but as stated on here with the largest volume of traffic what more can you expect; as soon as Surrey CC starts to take action the moaners appear of..."oh they are always digging up this road"; or my favourite after taking a while of perfecting a road...EDF or similar comes along and erases all the process...fantastic!

never buy a clio 11 March 2010

Re: Surrey tops pothole survey

Just counted some potholes, I live in Surrey, there are 20 potholes in a 30ft (10m approx) stretch along my road.. I'm sure I could easily count another 1978 almost before I've set foot out of the borough, let alone the county!