The next time you ask someone for a simple way to lower your carbon footprint, and they tell you to: “Get on your bike”, don’t be offended. Opting for pedal power over the car, bus, tram or train is one of the easiest ways to reduce the impact of the journeys we make – especially in busy urban areas, where it seems as if we spend a lot of time creating a lot of carbon and emissions while not moving very fast at all.
According to the University of Oxford, cycling every day can reduce the CO2 output of your daily transport by 84%. Equally, doing just one bike journey a day can reduce your annual carbon footprint by over 6 per cent. Cycling is also a great way of staying more physically healthy, while also making a positive contribution to your mental health. So, imagine the benefit of doing even more trips on two wheels.That’s why OVO Energy is investing in an innovative pay-as-you-go bike-hire scheme powered by nextbike that is changing the way people travel around Glasgow, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. As part of its mission to make home energy cheaper, simpler and greener, OVO Energy has always thought way beyond the 100% renewable electricity that it offers to all its customers, finding even more ways to help them cut their broader carbon impact. That includes planting nearly two million carbon-reducing trees on behalf of its one million members.So, helping people cycle more was perhaps the next logical step. Which is how we find ourselves heading to Glasgow to experience OVO Energy’s bikes for ourselves.
Learn more about OVO Energy’s e-bike scheme
How OVO Energy is making bike hire easy
Outside Glasgow Central, we meet nextbike Business Development Manager Leigh Richards, and set off to find our wheels – a process which proves incredibly easy. Using the simple and intuitive nextbike smartphone app, we quickly spot a bike station across the road – boasting a full rack of OVO Energy e-bikes and pedal bikes in their eye-catching bright-green livery, all ready for hire.