Lamborghini has revealed the Terzo Millennio concept at EmTech, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s in-house tech conference.
The Terzo Millennio - meaning third millennium - is all-electric, with in-wheel motors providing power, and the ability to control how much torque each wheel has. Lamborghini has not specified how much torque the motors produce, however.
Two main focuses are present - next-generation energy storage systems and future innovative materials. Lamborghini worked with two separate MIT labs on the two, financing the projects itself. The former is worked upon by the Dinca Research Lab, named after and led by chemistry professor Mircea Dinca, while the latter is dealt with by the Mechanosynthesis Group, with by mechanical engineering professor Anastasios John Hart leading the department.
A kinetic energy recovery system is also used, to give extra power to the lightweight supercar, and a super capacitor is planned for the model, although the brand admits that battery technology is not currently where it needs to be. It aims to develop a super capacitor for a leap in power density. MIT isn't working on this element, however.
Structural components double up as the car’s battery pack to shed weight - another area where Lamborghini alleges the current technology isn’t up to scratch. The rest of the car is made of carbon fibre, although sensors allow the car to monitor the structural integrity of its own body, detecting damage and cracks in the bodywork. The car can then 'self heal', thanks to chamicals in the micro-channels of the carbon fibre bodywork. Lamborghini's work with MIT looks to develop new and alternative methods of producing carbon fibre.
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What dream cars are made of!
Wow, thank god Lamborghini exists to make such phenomenal cars, whether they be concept cars or road cars.
That's all right, then
Fortunately, since electric cars are a doomed plot by lefties attempting to take freedom of movement away from the people, we'll never have to suffer seeing this repulsive bleeder on the roads.
Looks fantastic.
Looks fantastic.