TVR’s owners understand why the question is being asked but bristle a bit at having to answer it: as far as they’re concerned, it was never off, just delayed by politics and a pandemic. Now they want to look forward and not back.

They argue that the initial excitement (including hundreds of deposits) proves there’s a customer base waiting for them, and that commissioning Gordon Murray to create a car – a prototype of which is still out on the road turning heads – proves they are serious.

There are many hurdles ahead, of course, not least of which is commissioning a manufacturing base and announcing a partner for development of an EV to meet the tight 2025 deadline TVR has set itself. Both decisions are, they say, imminent.

2 Tvr griffith v8 2024 engine display detail

From that point to the first V8s rolling off the line still feels a monumental task, though, and from there building a three-strong EV line-up to rival the likes of Aston Martin looks like a lifetime’s work. But, admirably, all of them acknowledge the scale of the challenges.

Better, they argue, passionately and persuasively, to enjoy the ride, to savour the prospect of a Cosworth-engineered V8, built proudly in Britain, and embrace the EV transition, which itself raises the possibility of another British luxury car maker emerging as a global brand.