Currently reading: The all-electric Ferrari

It's red, it's got two electric motors and a prancing horse badge. What more do you want?

What a day for Italian supercar stories… First we had the new superlightweight Lamborghini, and now we've got the all-electric Ferrari.Yes, that's right, this is the Ferrari Segway, which is powered by two electric motors and a pair of lithium-ion batteries. Well, what did you expect, a Ferrari Prius?Other than the Rosso Corsa paint job and the Ferrari badges, the Ferrari Segway is pretty much standard. That means it can reach a heady 12.5mph and cover up to 24 miles without recharging.While Ferrari and Segway might not seem like obvious branding partners, this a connection – workers at the Italian firm's factory use Segways to get around.That's fine for them, but in the UK there is the small problem that you can't ride them legally on pavements or roads… Still, at a mere €8429 or a shade under £6000 it's the cheapest way to get into, or rather onto, a new Ferrari.

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