If ever there was a more suitable week for hits and misses, I’m not aware of it. Frankfurt 2017 gave a pool of judgement-ready cars like few other motor shows can.

I’ve extended the list from the usual five to a total of 10 items, with two unfortunates ticking all the wrong boxes. 

The best things I've seen all week 

Honda Urban EV

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Yes, I’m jumping on an electrically powered bandwagon, but the Honda Urban EV was the unexpected star of the show, garnering praise from all who cast eyes upon it. 

There are all sorts of comparisons made with the styling, but the Urban EV is anything but derivative. Roll on 2019: I’m saving up for one already.

BMW i8 Memphisstyle

Image uploaded from ios 96 0

With a few notable exceptions, the Frankfurt show was a sea of neutral colours. Silver and white cars were particularly common. So what a breath of fresh air the i8 Memphisstyle is, with its geometric patterns looking like the closing credits of a mid-1990s cartoon. 

I’m not sure there are many cars that would suit this particular decor, but the BMW i8 certainly manages it.