Have you got a stopwatch handy? No? Don’t worry, just read that first sentence again, maybe out loud. It should have taken you just under two seconds to do that, or about the same time it takes the new Rimac Nevera to accelerate from standstill to 60mph. Just take a breath to think about that: in the brief moment you’ve uttered a few words, this all-electric hypercar has gone from motionless to a mile a minute. Jaw-droppingly impressive, isn’t it? Well, yes and no.
Now, I’ve not driven the new Rimac, but I was lucky enough to be allowed behind the wheel of the Stard ERX rallycross car, which is claimed to crack the 0-60mph sprint in a similar 1.8sec as the Nevera, so I know what that kind of acceleration feels like. And what it feels like is deeply, gut-wrenchingly, sense-scramblingly uncomfortable. I mean truly unpleasant.
Of course, the forces involved are incredible, pinning you uncomfortably to the seat, but it’s the rate at which the world comes at you through the windscreen that’s really disorientating, because all the usual speed-sensation markers disappear in a nausea-inducing blur. By the time you’ve got a grip on just where you are and what’s going on, you’re travelling very quickly indeed and need to muster all imaginable effort to get off the throttle and hammer the brake pedal to slow down for that corner that, you could have sworn, was miles away last time you looked a second ago.
For me, all this happened on a wide-open race track, with all of its run-off and lack of any other traffic. Now imagine doing it on the road, because that’s what the Rimac and others like it (Lotus Evija et al) will allow its drivers to do, and some of them won’t be able to resist. All the same mental stress and gor-blimey-what’s-going-on?’panic will be there, but this time it’ll be joined by the added complication of other cars, pedestrians and telegraph poles, to list just a few of the dangers. There will genuinely be little or no time to react if something goes wrong.
Now don’t get me wrong: this isn’t a rant about the dangers of quick cars - a modern-day equivalent of those 19th century naysayers of the steam locomotive who claimed that internal organs would liquefy and heads explode if the human body ever travelled faster than a horse could gallop. However, we are definitely at a point where we should possibly be asking the time-honoured question of ‘just because we can, does it mean we should?’.
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Autonomous, what happens to Cars like this?, will they like others.?,just be transport, I'm talking when cars are fully autonomous, when literally the steering wheel is taken out of our hands.