My sympathy for car makers in the field of emissions and economy testing is pretty limited, having evaporated with the revelations of Dieselgate and subsequent understanding of just how lax the regulations were that they were playing to in Europe.

In that regard, the rollout of the WLTP (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure) and RDE (Real Driving Emissions) regimes should be welcomed with open arms, replacing, as they do, the laissez-faire NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) tests in a staged format over a period that began last autumn and which runs until 2021.

During that time Europe will go from having regulations that were so lax that they allow the Volkswagen Group to state to this day - with what remains a legally watertight position - that its cheats didn’t actually break any rules, to ones that are widely regarded, even by critics, to be the toughest in the world.

So three cheers for the legislators, belated though their action may be, and inept may their predecessors have been.

Except in one crucial regard: it is, perhaps inevitably, the car buyers who are going to be paying the price for the changes, both in terms of the added costs being passed on to the car buyer and, for the short-term at least, there being less variants and options to choose from.

How so? Chiefly, because the new test processes are so unbelievably complex. Where a single lab test was once enough, a new, longer, more complex lab test is now required, plus an on-the-road one. Experts at Mercedes-Benz, who have got on the front foot in trying to educate people about the new systems, estimate the test processes to take at least twice as long as the old ones. They also highlight that during the transition period they will still be doing the old and new tests, to help with calibrations.

What’s more, while their workload has doubled, the amount of backend organisation, paperwork and administration has soared exponentially. The same experts struggle to put exact figures on it, but will ruefully admit that procedures that once took weeks now take as many months. So that’s more cost that will inevitably be passed on to the customer.