As is seemingly customary for big government announcement relating to the car industry, the expected decision to ban the sale of petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040 screams of headline announcement first, detail later.

The government has been taken to court over illegal levels of air pollution in the UK, and today’s imminent announcement is the headline of a series of measures to bring air pollution back inside legal limits.

The path to electrification is an inevitable one, and will happen by 2040 anyway. 2040 is 23 years away, which is three generations of cars on regular production cycles. Innovation and progress is happening at an unprecedented pace in the industry, with more in the last three years and the previous 20 before that. This will not slow down, so to that end the government is dotting the Is and crossing the Ts of something already in motion. The headline is fine and logical then, but here comes the detail. The industry is constantly asked to jump higher and it does so. But with this announcement more than ever, it needs the government support.

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This requires an investment infrastructure in electric charging points – and fast ones at that – on an unprecedented scale. There are 12,000 public charging points in the UK now versus 8500 petrol stations and the scores of pumps on them. Refuelling takes a couple of minutes, recharging considerably longer. This announcement makes electric cars no longer a curiosity or a lifestyle choice, they now become the way of keeping Britain moving. People will not want to compromise. This will require an equally big update to the national grid to facilitate the surge of power, tipped to be as much as 16% greater than today’s when electric cars really take off, and the grid struggles with surges as it is. We’ll also have a whole heap of batteries needing an ‘end of life’ use. Manufacturers speak of using them in our homes on smart grids, but our grid just isn’t set-up that way. It will need to be.

Given the comical pace the government operates at in any kind of major infrastructure project, can they really deliver this in 23 years?