The glossy, perfectly-framed pictures are in, executives grilled for extra chunklets of information, and on-sale dates confirmed.

Car launches are important events for manufacturers, a way to ensure their latest machines start life with plenty of (hopefully positive) publicity. So what goes into such an event? Here's a blow-by-blow account of the Volkswagen Polo's official launch, to show you what goes on behind the scenes.

We've driven an early next-gen Polo - take a look at what we thought

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9.15am: Departure from a Berlin hotel, into a fleet of black Volkswagen minibuses to the reveal location. We arrived in Berlin yesterday evening, and spent most of the time since preparing for the launch (and sleeping).

9:20am: Polishing off preparatory questions en route, for any and all execs unfortunate enough to cross my path. Greetings with other journalists turns to talk of the embargo holding our respective websites to silence until a pre-agreed time with the manufacturer. Today’s is 11am.

9:30am: Uh oh, word has spread of said embargo having been broken by another site. All rush to correspond with Volkswagen and respective offices back in the UK about the next steps. Tech issues blamed for the leak, and the story is quickly pulled from the site. Accidents like this happen, but all are glad it wasn't them.