There are some things that I just can’t resist, like driving flat out on a race track, overlanding across continents, off-roading and generally pushing cars to their limits.
But there’s another that I’ve got hooked on that, in contrast, is about conserving energy and driving as far as possible, rather than fast. Yes, I love hypermiling.
The biggest draw for me is the personal challenge: testing my driving skills in a way that temporarily transforms my entire personality. It not only demands monk-like patience but also the ability to resist the urge to just smash the throttle and get a move on.
Precision is key and even the smallest throttle modulation matters. It should feel as if there’s an egg between your right foot and the pedal. The idea is to ensure no more than the required power is being fed to the car.
And don’t think using cruise control is a way out: it’s actually counterproductive, because the car’s ECU will keep making corrections to achieve your set speed as the road conditions change, thus depleting more charge or fuel than needed.
Another crucial thing is anticipating the terrain and the traffic and using it to your advantage. The ideal scenario is to coast freely as far as you can without any throttle, and if the road slopes downhill, it’s essential to make the most of it.
Similarly, anticipating an uphill slope well in advance and accelerating just enough to mitigate the climb and not a moment longer is crucial. You learn the car and know how far before the crest to lift off in order to clear it and start coasting again without wasting any energy.
In electrified cars, regenerative braking is also important, but again it has to be used smartly and not left entirely to the car’s devices.
Recently I got to put my years of hypermiling experience to use, covering 949.0km (590 miles) in a Mercedes-Benz EQS 580 from Bengaluru to Navi Mumbai without plugging it in, breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest journey by an electric car on a single charge.
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I think the concept of driving with an egg on the throttle peday is outmoded. For while it's true that more throttle equals more fuel consumption, that fuel is doing useful work in accelerating the car up to cruising speed. And within limits, the quicker you reach cruising speed, the sooner you can relax off the pedal and really start saving fuel (at this point of course, the driving with an egg under your right foot does become relevant.
But the most important point of all I think is missing from the article. For maximum efficiency it's best to avoid using the brakes at all costs! Using the brakes usually means means that you have failed to anticipate the conditions and all that kinetic energy that has been expensively gained by buring precious fuel is now going to be totally wasted in heating up the friction brakes. Avoidance of using the brakes is admittedly less important with EVs and some hybrids because they have some energy recovery - but even then it's usually necessary to brake gently to maximise this.
Also unsaid in the article is the (unfortunate) need to avoid any high speed cruising. Above about 50mph energy use increases exponentially with speed. And this has a greater effect on EVs whose electric motors always work with great efficiency. With petrol engines, higher cruising speeds usually brings the engine into a more efficient high load regime which partly compensates for the extra work it has to do, so the penalty is less.
Well, that must be a quiet journey then, hyper concentration must reduce interaction with passengers,and if you practice it all the time, no journey, other than for you, will be enjoyable.