Today, I have become the envy of my colleagues while some of us are gathered in North Yorkshire to test a bunch of electric driver’s cars.

The fun EV that I had hoped to bring was sufficiently new that it couldn’t make it even in early left-hand-drive form, so I’ve had to arrive in something else. Hence the envy.

Now, this isn’t an EV versus ICE car look-at-me smugathon (although it did take quite a long time for one of us to arrive from the south coast in a Honda E). No, instead I’m the envy of my colleagues because I’ve arrived in a Series 1 Lotus Elise. And I’m not alone in thinking it’s fabulous.

This is a fairly early example, from 1998. Although at one point badly damaged, it’s in very good mechanical order, if a bit scruffy around the edges – as a 59,000-mile, 25-year-old car should be.

It belongs to a friend of mine, Simon, owner of independent Lotus specialist Scott-Russell Sports Cars. It barely turned a wheel last year and was taking up space at his workshop, and as somebody who thinks cars are better when used regularly, he asked if I would be able to add a few miles to it. So here I am.

Lotus elise ubg web007

There will be more on these pages in a couple months, but for now, I’m afraid to say that I’ve become obsessed with it. It’s just so good.