The electric Mercedes-Benz G-Class I reviewed recently is an intriguing car.

Tell me that loading your new 4x4 with four big blokes would take it over its gross vehicle weight and normally I’d tell you that I’d rather drive a 40-year-old Suzuki SJ 410 for the rest of my days than give it the time of day.

And I do still think I have warmer feelings towards a small Suzuki. But give it time, think of it as a technical exercise and we will see where we end up.

Because the idea of electrically powered 4x4s is not in itself a bad one. They should work well off road – indeed, better than a mechanically driven vehicle, because of the rapidity with which electrics and electronics can respond. 

If a wheel on an ICE 4x4 is slipping, it can take a moment while slip sensors are triggered, brakes are applied or power is subdued. Time you would measure in milliseconds, it’s true, while, say, an engine spools down, but time that an electric motor directly driving a wheel doesn’t have to wait.

Likewise if you want power applied right now and, better still, if you want it applied to perhaps one wheel now, two in a second, then one, then four and so on, an electrical system could be unbeatable in terms of keeping a car moving.

There’s more, too. You may have seen cars encouraged to rock back and forth as they attempt to drive themselves out of ruts. Electric motors could do this on a whim.

Big adventure motorcycles tend to have single- or twin-cylinder engines. There are a number of reasons for this, but one is that power pulses to the wheel – especially if the crank position of the two cylinders is offset, as it usually is.

This is what gives big bikes the throbby power deliveries that is their characteristic. And in mud and sand, it can help keep a bike moving.

Effectively it bobs its power to the ground, like a tug-of-war team in sync, rather than spinning it away like a smooth, four-cylinder power delivery would. And an electric motor can be told to do this – or anything else you want.