I don’t particularly like lane-keeping assist or lane departure warning, call them what you will. You know, the safety systems that interfere with your driving should you drift close to the white lines separating your road lane from the next. 

At their least irritating the systems present a gently chastening warning on the instrument display; at worst – and this is the bit that unnerves me – they apply force to the steering to pull the car back in line. 

It feels like the answer to a question nobody asked and I turn the system off at any given opportunity. If you’re struggling to remain in lane to the extent that you need to rely on intervention from the car, you probably need to have a serious word with yourself or stop at the nearest services for a rest.

Remember Clippy, the much-maligned virtual paperclip which noticed that ‘you’re writing a letter’ in Microsoft Office 2000 and was raring to help? For me, a lane departure warning is like that, irritatingly proffering to interfere when you least want it.  

Luc 6742

I don’t consider myself a technophobe and I’m not daft enough to dismiss all passive or active safety systems – I’ve relied on them on occasions. For me, though, systems such as lane-keeping assist exist in a grey area where the car decides it knows best when it doesn't necessarily.