The most successful car firms are those that can spot trends far into the future and start making cars ready to catch them. See: Nissan

There are those who raised eyebrows towards Nissan when it abandoned making cars like the Almera and Primera – smooth-riding, reliable, trustworthy, boring family cars like everybody else was making, and carried on making – and decided its large passenger car focus was going to be entirely about weird 4x4s and SUVs and ‘what-is-a-crossover- anyway?’ instead. I know. Ridiculous.

Only now, guess what? It’s not so ridiculous at all. The Nissan Qashqai and Nissan Juke routinely appear in bestselling-car lists right across Europe and it took a decade or more for some car makers to catch on. I could well understand why other manufacturers didn’t immediately follow Nissan, but the absence of an SUV or crossover from several big companies’ line-ups until the past four or five years has remained something of a mystery.

But I’m also wondering how often far-sighted manufacturers actually spot trends emerging, and how much they create trends in the first instance. After all, if no car exists for people to buy, how do you know that’s what they’re going to want?

I’m not sure you just ask them.

The old ‘faster horses’ quote rightly or wrongly attributed to Henry Ford about asking 20th-century travellers what they wanted applies. What do I want from a fridge? Somewhere to keep the veg cold and a little light that comes on when the door opens. But what if a fridge could be more than that? Sometimes it takes a visionary to show you.

If you’d asked drivers 15 years ago what they wanted from a car, would they really have said “a better-looking car, but one that’s heavier, thirstier, worse-handling and worse-riding”? Great: have a crossover.

The SUV/crossover/4x4 thing shows no signs of letting up, but what comes after that? Peugeot, Mercedes and Kia wonder if it’ll be lower, more sleek-looking tourers; lush estates and fastbacks.