Are you a gangster? It seems unlikely. They don’t subscribe to weekly car magazines, or if they do, they don’t enter into much correspondence with us.

Perhaps that is understandable, what with all that gangstering. I suppose their days are preoccupied with issues like shooters and pigs – they go through bone like butter, you know – rather than writing to Autocar. Which is a shame, because I could use a gangster’s opinion. 

Gangsters need cars, right? If you are one, how do you decide which car to have? Spending frivolously on something inappropriate would be a distinctly ungangsterish thing to do. 

The other day I watched a film called Atomic Blonde, in which a dodgy spy – dodgy enough to be 
a gangster of sorts – puts a semi- conscious body into the boot of a Porsche 911, alongside two flight cases. That’s clearly not going to work, is it? Two flight cases would be a challenge enough, without the addition of a burly Stasi officer. 

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So if you’re a gangster and you’re getting your tips from Hollywood, think again. Perhaps even think Haymarket Media Group. I’m not saying our sister mag What Car? is the ideal gangster’s buying guide, but boot capacity gets a prominent position in its specification lists.