Currently reading: UK diesel prices 'the highest'

New report reveals taxes raise Uk prices to the highest in Europe

British motorists are paying the highest price for diesel in Europe thanks to the massive amount of tax levied on the fuel.

A litre of derv sets back British drivers £1.03, 11p more than the next most expensive countries, Italy and Slovakia, where it costs just 92p.

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The figures come from the latest Quarterly Energy report from the Department of Energy, which collates figures for EU countries.

Polish motorists enjoy the cheapest diesel in the EU: 69p per litre.

The difference between petrol and diesel is now around 3p at the pump, whereas in recent years it has been as high as 15p per litre.

“Buyers really need to be careful when buying a [more expensive] diesel-powered car at the moment,” said the AA.

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