Our next-door neighbours, with their 7383 miles of smooth, free-flowing highway linking the outer reaches of their pretty countryside to the ring roads of their major towns, provide valuable lessons in inter-urban road transportation.
France’s first motorway – or autoroute – was opened in 1941. Called the A13, it was the result of a two-decade-long study into the suitability of a ‘highway to the west’ connecting Paris with Normandy.
The concept proved popular and the network ballooned in size, with toll roads springing up nationwide from the early 1960s.
The tolls are now ubiquitous. They’re there because the system is owned by government-mandated private companies, and they’re a large part of why I believe the network is in the main utterly serene.
Generally, motorway traffic volumes in France are insignificant compared with those in the UK, which means you’re at a lower risk of having an accident, you arrive at your destination more refreshed and you have time to spare. The higher speed limit of 130kph (81mph) also helps.
Your journey will also be extremely smooth and almost completely devoid of potholes. Because French roads are more vigorously maintained, they’re tangibly silkier and more relaxing to roll over.
The UK’s wetter climate combined with a less rigorous upkeep schedule means we don’t stand a chance of competing. You notice the difference as soon as you arrive back in Dover, and that’s before you hit the concrete bit of the M25 an hour later.
There is a price to pay for this – quite literally. If you want to go from Calais to Marseille and back and can’t take advantage of the significant savings granted by a ‘Liber-t’ tag, you will end up paying a combined €85 (£71) in tolls.
Again, though, the 662-mile journey will be much more pleasant and take you less time than an equivalent one would in the UK.
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I am just old enough to remember the Route National before the Autoroute went everywhere. That led to some unique French approaches to car design i.e. R16, Citroen DS and so with small engines, higher speeds than UK models, superb brakes, headlights, horns and pot hole absorption. Nowadays the smooth autoroute mean the French manufacturers no longer need to try so hard and their cars no longer have these A road adaptations (but we could do with them here!)
The French have shown us how it should be done for the entirety of my driving life, 60 years and counting. Throughout this period of Torytory and Labourtory ineptititude the gap between us has only increased. Don't even mention the trains and hospitals; nor the outrageous decision recently made by us English.