I don’t just want to buy a new car - I need to buy a new car.
Well, if not buy, then lease. Either way, my wallet is open and my money is there for the taking.
In theory, this could not be more exciting. I like a good deal as well as a good car, and the fact that dealers are struggling to shift metal at the moment should surely play into my hands, leading to the swift arrival of something fresh on my driveway?
So why - oh why oh why - can’t I persuade anyone to sell me a car?
I started this journey with my eye on a premium branded electric car. I won’t name names, as I don’t want people to lose jobs on my account, but the model I wanted was new. I specced it out and asked a lease price. “Give us two weeks for them to be set and we’ll get back to you,” came the reply.
So I waited. And waited. And then I emailed two people at the same dealership asking for updates. Three times. Not a hint of a response. So then I gave up… before realising that I was interviewing a member of the company’s board around the corner from the dealership imminently.
Knowing the PR man knew of my intentions to buy one of the cars, I thought it prudent to give the dealership one last chance. After all, who wants to launch into a personal, petty moan in front of one of the most powerful men in the company? Better to get it sorted.
Finally, I got a response on email (disproving one of my concerns that the particular dealers I’d been in contact with had left). We agreed a date for them to call me. Hooray. But I missed the call and my meeting had passed. Rather than chase again, I thought I’d wait and see how much they wanted my business. That was a month ago. How hard is it to call?
Perhaps I’m being unreasonable; perhaps they really are too busy to chase up customers, even ones who have got so far down the line of buying that all they need is a dotted line to sign on? If there’s a queue of easier sales to be had, who can blame them? But, then again, electric cars aren’t exactly flying out the doors at the moment.
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It's the same in Ireland...
I've been trying for nearly a year to change my car. I thought I might get taken seriously because I have a one owner current model 3 litre 5 series to trade. I wanted a premium electric or plug in hybrid. Three BMW dealers and calls and emails to the importer got me test drive in a 430d, and a promise of a call back when a 225e or 530e demonstrator became available. I never got to drive either, and the main dealer who sold me the car and did all my servicing for 17 years never arranged any test drives for me. While I was talking to one BMW salesman he answered a call from a Mercedes owner, and explained to the caller he could give €2,000 extra trade in for conquest sales, that he wouldn't give a BMW owner. That guy gave me the worst trade in offer!
Visits to two Mercedes dealers led to a test drive in a GLC and a few genuine attempts ( by a very hungry, very young, salesman) to sell me a nice spec diesel GLC from one of them. He offered a good trade in price too. I had asked about a GLC coupe, but never got to drive one. Mercedes dealers were clearly trying to shift what was in stock.
I couldn't find an Audi dealer nearby who might have a hybrid Q7, but then a Q7 with only 5 seats seems silly so I gave that up.
So I looked elsewhere, and now I've finally ordered a car but not at Audi, BMW or Mercedes.
I went into one of the large car supermarkets with my then 10 year old about 4 years ago - I think they were called carcraft near Lakeside. I gave them my budget, showed them my trade in and then started looking at what I wanted and could afford, Skoda Yeti and and an Insignia Estate being two cars I considered. When my daughter said she liked Audis and wanted the A5, the salesman turned his full attention to her and was trying to "sell" her the car letting her sit in it and trying to use her to emotionally blackmail me into buying it. I didn't and some time later the group went bust. Hah!
I think it's not just that
I think it's not just that sales staff can be unhelpful, but also that consumers can be such wimps. Don't just slink off because you've been in the showroom 15 minutes and no one has come to help! If I am being ignored by staff watching TV I would go up to them and ask if they are in the business of selling cars and if so then I'd like some attention please! One of the reasons service is much better in the US is because Americans won't put up with this crap.